Generates a report only for the specified mailbox. Generates a report for mailbox names listed in the specified text file. Generates a report for all mailboxes on the specified database. Generates a report for all mailboxes on the specified server. Generates a report for all mailboxes in the organization. Single mailbox reports are output to the console, while all other Generates a report of permissions that have been set on a folder MailboxFolderPermissions.ps1 – Mailbox folder permissions report generation script. Worth mentioning is that script is also checking groups recursively, and has – let me call it – anti-loop protection :] so if someone creates “Group_A” and “Group_B” and put A in B and B in A the script will notice that particular group has been already reported in that particular cycle, and won’t go deeper. Here is another one that is checking permissions on particular folders 🙂 Some time ago I posted script that is checking general permissions of a mailbox like “FullAccess”, “ReadOnly” etc.: